My first photos (35mm Kodachrome slides) of historic pavement, taken in Toronto in 1986. I remember being fascinated at the old pavement revealed by the failing asphalt.
Site author Robin Williams in front of one of the several impressively preserved brick intersections in the German Village neighbourhood of Columbus, Ohio, a city that boasts more preserved streets than any other city in the country (with the possible exception of St. Petersburg, Florida).
Robin B. Williams, Ph.D.
Since the 1980s, my research has focused on the forces shaping modern cities, from politics and social pressures to changes in technology.
I have been fascinated by old pavement since I was a child, when I would relieve the monotony of walking three-quarters of a mile to my elementary school in my hometown of Toronto, Canada, by trying to find the oldest contractor stamps in concrete sidewalks. My scholarly interest in pavement was piqued in Savannah by the unusual triangular patterns of asphalt blocks around the squares in downtown Savannah, with formal research into pavement beginning in 2009. A single piece of pavement served as a symbol of global trade for the 9th Savannah Symposium: The Architecture of Trade, which I co-directed -- "Savannah's Chinese Cobblestone". See below for a complete list of my publications, conference papers and presentations on pavement and related topics.
Although my interest in studying street pavement developed in response to the remarkable diversity and generous extent of historic pavement surviving in Savannah, my pursuit of a broader study was encouraged initially by Dr. Robert Breugmann at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Support for research trips provided by a SCAD Faculty Sabbatical Grant, 2016, and a SCAD Faculty Presidential Fellowship, 2017.